🧙‍♂️Player Card

The player card is the where the player's character NFT can be interacted with. Stats and statuses appear here with the option to rotate between characters

The level, name, class and id number are all available to view. This player card carries over on each page. Select the right and left arrows to switch between your character NFTs in order to play as a different Hero. Your base Status is idle, this allows you to engage in any activity in the game. Certain statuses will prevent you from interacting with other aspects of the map. The lightning symbol is your agility, the sword is strength, the pot is your mana and the shield is your defense stat.

At the bottom you will see two currency icons, being gold and diamonds. Gold can be spent at the shop in order to purchase starting equipment that can be equipped to the player. Gems are used to craft and upgrade said Items.

The top red bar is the players Health Bar.

The second blue bar is the players Mana Bar.

The third bar is the players experience. When the player reaches the end of their xp bar, they are allowed to level up. Each level costs 100 more xp than the previous level. Once you get to Level 50, you unlock the next level of the game, Skill Trees

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